Can’t Update, Rename, or Delete settings.php File in Drupal Hosting

At that time, I wanted to add some additional configurations to the settings.php file, but when I edited or updated the settings.php file, the file manager on the hosting always displayed an error like the following:

“The system failed to create the file ‘……/default/settings.php.lock’” or when trying to rename, it showed a message like “FileOp Failure on:”

Can’t Update, Rename, or Delete settings.php File in Drupal Hosting

issue settings.php drupal hosting

I attempted to change the permissions on the settings.php file, but the error persisted, and the file could not be edited, renamed, or deleted. After consulting with the technical team at the hosting provider, I realized that the issue was with the folder permissions in the default configuration. Therefore, I needed to change the default Drupal folder permissions from 555 to 644 or 755 to be able to edit the settings.php file.

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